Coming up with a business idea and starting a business can seem overwhelming and complicated. There are so many things you must consider. This course will help you to explore different areas of self-employment including what makes a business idea successful, how to write a simple business plan, the basics of finances and budgeting, business ownership types and entrepreneurial skills.


Who is this Course for?

For people who are considering starting up their own business but do not know where to start and for people who have just started out.


Entry Requirements to do this Course:

A basic level of conversational and written English is required


How you will be assessed?

Through questions and answers and the completion of weekly learner reflection forms


How much studying will I need to do outside of the lesson?

Minimal. You will need to complete a basic business plan template for which you can input speculative answers.


What learners need to bring/supply

Pen and notepad.


What happens after I book this course?

There are two steps to complete before studying with us and booking on here is the first step. Your next step will be to enrol on your chosen course following the instructions attached to your order confirmation email.


The next steps…

During this course we will talk to you about your next steps which could include attending other courses/workshops such as FS English or Maths to improve your numeracy or literacy.  You may also wish to consider one of our digital skills or social media courses. If you are eligible you may want to sign up for the level 2 Team Leading qualification. Please click here to see the full range of courses we offer.


We have programmes that can support you with your next steps in skills and employment. For further information please see our information, advice and guidance page.


NOTE: This course is for Hertfordshire Residents Only - *With the exception of the registration fee, this course/workshop is fully funded by The Education & Skills Funding Agency for adults who meet a set criteria - please see further details under the 'Further Information' heading.