SEND pavilion - exclusive SEND play session, Watford - 01/04/2025
DateTuesday, 1 April, 9:00am
LocationSEN Pavilion, Aldenham Country Park
PriceTickets from £2
About this event
Our indoor facilities include a large main hall with arts and crafts, a reading area, toy boxes and soft play mats for children to enjoy and have fun in an unstructured environment.
The main hall provides a versatile space which can accommodate a variety of possibilities including free play, creative activities and chill out area. The lighting allows different ambiances including coloured lights, bright work light and a softer option. Smaller rooms off the main hall provide a range of experiences, including sensory play and chill out space.
A SEND (special needs and disabled) play session at the Pavilion and Adventure Playground includes use of the inside play centre with sensory rooms, arts and crafts and lots of different toys. Plus the outdoor adventure play area (exclusive from 9:00am until 11:00am) with sand pits, a hobbit tunnel, climbing frames, a zip wire and more.
Parking not included.
The outdoor playground is designed to harmonise three different areas of free style, sensory and adventure play. Accessible in all seasons, it is set beside a natural woodland which enhances the whole experience.
The Hobbit Tunnel gives a higher vantage point on the overhead bridge. A sandy play area to its rear contains various hand crafted timber characters and animals.
Play equipment suitable for under 12s.
Aldenham Country Playground is a purpose built multi-sensory play facility for children and young people with disabilities and special needs.
During plays sssions, we ask that visitors follow the code of conduct:
- Respect the other users, if you have questions or concerns, please ask a member of staff.
- Only one person to use the zip wire at a time.
- Respect the equipment, these are purpose build for special needs users.
- NO SMOKING, Dogs or Alcohol in any part of the playground.
- If it is muddy outside then bring indoor shoes when using the indoor play centre.
- We look forward to your visit.
To ensure fair access, we kindly ask families to book only one SEND session per day. If you have exceptional circumstances and need more than one session, please contact us at info@aldenhamcountrypark.co.uk.
If you are unable to attend your booked session, please let us know as early as possible so that other visitors can make use of the available slot. We fully understand that cancellations are sometimes unavoidable, even at short notice.
SEN Pavilion, Aldenham Country Park
Aldenham Country Park