for Families in Focus - Transforming family life with empathy- for Dads (ages 4-10)
Free event
Families in Focus - Transforming family life with empathy- for Dads (ages 4-10)
DateWednesday, 27 November, 6:30pm
PriceFree event
About this event
Transforming family life with empathy - For fathers of children aged 4-10 in Herts / Beds
Lesley and Francine will use an empathic approach to help parents develop:
- Empathy to stay emotionally regulated and guide children through heightened emotions , thoughts and behaviours
- Help children to manage their anxiety
- Help to reduce aggressive behaviours
- Build stronger family connections
This is an interactive online course
Wednesday evenings 6.30 - 8.30pm
November 27 and December 4 and 11
Please email: for further information.
Further information
Families in Focus