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    for Public Health Connect Masterclass: Supporting a Smokefree generation – A Hertfordshire perspective

    Free event


    Public Health Connect Masterclass: Supporting a Smokefree generation – A Hertfordshire perspective

    DateWednesday, 15 January, 10:00am

    LocationOnline live streamed - Microsoft Teams

    PriceFree event

    About this event


    Smoking is responsible for the loss of approximately 64,000 lives in the UK each year, with one in every four cancer related deaths being attributed to smoking. Furthermore, smoking is the cause of numerous illnesses, including stillbirths, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, and dementia. Smoking costs society £17 billion per annum due to stresses on healthcare, productivity, and social care costs. Data over the last 5 years shows most smokers want to quit, but cannot due to an addiction to nicotine that started in their teenage years. Over 80% of smokers started before they turned 20, many as children. They have had their choices taken away by addiction, and their lives will be harmed and cut short by an addiction they do not want.

    The announcement by the Government in 2023 (Conservative) made clear they wish to create a smokefree generation unaffected by the extraordinary harms of addiction driven smoking, and tackle youth vaping.


    Online live streamed - Microsoft Teams

    Further information


    Chair: Professor Alejandro Quiroz Flores, Director, Centre for Research in Public Health and Community Care (CRIPACC), University of Hertfordshire.

    Welcome: Professor Alejandro Quiroz Flores, Director, Centre for Research in Public Health and Community Care(CRIPACC), University of Hertfordshire.

    Setting the scene – what we mean by ‘smokefree generation’
    Rushma Patel, Health Improvement Lead – Tobacco Control, Hertfordshire County Council

    Vaping for adults for smoking cessation
    Jo Meola, Senior Health Improvement Manager, Hertfordshire County Council

    Vaping in children and young people – research findings
    Adele Glover, Research and Evaluation Officer, Hertfordshire County Council

    Enforcement – Trading Standards. – what’s happening to reduce illegal vapes for sale in Herts
    Mike McGregor / Mark Kempster, Community Protection, Hertfordshire County Council

    Panel Q&A (all speakers)

    Target audience:

    This masterclass is for anyone working or volunteering in Hertfordshire and for students from the University of Hertfordshire. Examples of organisations that usually attend the masterclasses are: Public health practitioners, Local Authorities, NHS organisations, VCFSE organisations, commissioners, mental health organisations, Councillors, Academics, University Students with an interest in Public Health, schools, colleges, organisations supporting young people.